Friday, September 26, 2008

The Son Always Shines!!!!

What an interesting day I had today. What seemed as a regular day teaching school turned into an eventful lunch hour. Today, right before lunch, my assistant principal came to my mobile unit classroom to tell me to move my students as quickly as possible to the gymnasium. I thought it to be a bit strange, but I knew this wasn't a drill but something was going on. The skies were blue, but little did I know that a storm was approaching.

All the outside classrooms moved to the gym bleachers for safety. This delayed lunch for about 15 minutes. Finally around 11:50 or so, the school were released to go to their 3rd block or 1st lunch (which I have). I had enough time to get my lunch and sit down to take a few bites of food and they were again telling us to move back to our places of "safety". However, this time was a step more, we were instructed to go into Code 4, which meant tornado drill. But, this wasn't a drill, it was real. This one lasted a little longer than the first. This soon ended around 12:45 and we were allowed to go back to lunch. By the time I had returned to my 3rd block class in the outside classroom, the skies were blue and the sun was shining. That was my day.

However, the Lord showed me a little lesson from this and I want to share it.

1. We have to prepare for safety before the storm gets there

We need to spend our time with God in preparation for what may come our way. That is why we need our alone time with Him. It gets us ready for what we don't see coming.

2. Storms are going to come

This is a fact in life. Storms are coming our way.

3. We may get a break between storms

4. But, the storms keep coming and they get worse

You may feel like you constantly being hit by "storms". You may ask, "what's next?". I simply say hold on to the Peace Speaker.

5. However, the clouds always roll back and the SON always shines

Not matter what you are going through, just know there will always be an end. God knows exactly your limits. However, your limits are likely further than you think they are. God loves to stretch us because He wants us to grow.

Do you realize that in the daytime, the skies are ALWAYS blue and the sun is ALWAYS shining? Although clouds, wind, rain, and storms come, beyond that, the skies still are blue and the sun is still shining.

So, the essence of my life lesson today is, IN THE END, THE SON ALWAYS SHINES!!!!

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