Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Wrap

We had another great day today at Great Bridge West. It was great to a have a friend of mine, Greg Williamson, sharing two timely messages.

Tonight we had a service that was very timely for us and many people that were there. The world in short was that we will have struggles in our life and we may ask when is it going to end? WHEN WE WIN!!!!

However, we must be willing to fight and stand up to the devil when he is trying to stare us down and when he distracts. Let's fight and not give up, nor give in.

It reminded of the famous saying of a former NC State basketball coach, Jim Valvano. In his last days of struggle with cancer, he made a statement in one of his final speeches,

"Don't give up , don't EVER give up!!!"

We can't give up in our struggles. Struggles are simply part of our life. However, we must stop just accepting them in our life....put up a fight. Remember, Paul said to Timothy,

"I have fought the fight, I have kept the faith".

I love Sunday's....first of all, to celebrate Jesus Christ...secondly, to worship with some great people....

Until next time, DREAM BIG!!!!

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