Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Wrap

We had an awesome move of God in our services today. It is almost difficult to even explain except that God really showed up today.

I again preached from 2 Kings 6 along the lines of "Today's Menu - Famine or Feast". What do we choose. Obviously, we would much rather have the feast, yet we seem to linger around the famine. For whatever the reason, the famine seems to be a little easier the surrender that is required to have the feast mentioned in Revelation 19, "the Marriage Supper of the Lamb".

I truly appreciate the obedience of God's people. Being obedient really will stretch us, but when God responds to our obedience there is no greater feeling than knowing that you listened and responded to Him.

Great things continue to happen this year and I truly believe that we are going to finish this year well, but I believe even more that 2009 is going to be OFF THE HOOK!

Be blessed and remember to DREAM BIG!

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