Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Day...and the Day After

I trust that everyone had an awesome day....I know we did....however, I did miss seeing my family. Here are some pictures.....

But before you get to that....I experienced "Black Friday" today also (for those that know me, you know I am not into the shopping thing, especially with the crazy people trying to get items like there life depends on it)...Just real quick, but I was THIRD IN LINE this morning and I got the item that I was going for....that is right, Walgreens at 7AM...I am not that crazy!!!

I know you are thinking one of two things:
1) What did he do to deserve her?
2) What was she thinkin'?
Answer: Only God knows!!!! and I praise Him because of it.
Before and after picture
Before and after picture #2
One final thing, we have our very own Paula "DEAN".....
It takes a REAL man to wear that.
See you next time, but still DREAM BIG!!!
Sorry about the pictures.....still learning....if you know make a comment and help me out!!!!

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